
Monday, May 9, 2011

New American Girl Historical Characters Cecile and Marie-Grace

OMG! I just found some amazing news!! There are two new historical character dolls coming in! I found this picture on doll diares: Just so you know this picture belongs to doll diares!
Aren't they soooooooooooo pretty! Belongs to: doll diares
So the dolls names are Cecile (on the left) and Marie-Grace. The time period is 1853! They are so so pretty! I love the hats and the outfit Cecile is wearing! I can't wait to see the whole collections! Also on amazon they have preorder books and it says they are coming out in late August!! OMG I just can't wait!


  1. I think the time period is 1854, however. :D The date 1853 wouldn't be consistent with AG dates. ;)

  2. It actually is 1853...they're breaking away from the usual year ending in "4" so that the stories will coincide with the huge Yellow Fever epidemic of 1853 in New Orleans (there's a big discussion on this on AG Playthings).

    This picture actually originated from one of the board members on AG Playthings before it was used on Doll Diaries, just to let you know.

    I'm very excited about the new historical characters! :D

  3. Me too! I was going to get a JLY in July, but I may have to wait and see what the new dollies look like.

  4. Wow thanks so much for the info beast'sbelle!

  5. I work at a library and we were able to get our hands on the first two. They are both really good. Heads up, though. Both books 1 and 2 are the same story (Marie-Grace meeting Cecile and having an adventure), but are told from different viewpoints, each viewpoint giving a specific focus to an aspect of New Orleans at this time in history. They are really interesting, and I'm sure you'll love them!!
