
Saturday, August 4, 2012

American Girl Olympics- Gabby Douglas!

Hello everyone! Have all you been watching the olympics? Well Catherine and I made an adorable gymastics Olympics with Addy starring as Gabby Douglas. We made the video on our american girl channel aglover27. Please check it out!! I will ad the video on the blog asap!! :) Gabby Douglas was just amazing in the Olympics and I have been a huge fan of hers for a while now! CONGRATS GABBY!! 
Gabby was amazing in the olympics! 

Gold Medal! 

Thanks so much for viewing and be sure to check out our
new stopmotion with Addy as Gabby Douglas on our American Girl Youtube,  


  1. That's so cute! I love Gabby Douglus but my favorite is Jordyn Weiber! Do you have any news about the new historical doll?

    1. Aww thanks! Aww I don't know anything except that her name is Caroline and she is from 1812 but I did find a picture here is the link:

      She is sooooooooooooooooooo pretty!!!

  2. What a fun video! You did a really great job!!
