Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yay!! My mom ordered AG stuff with our Christmas money!!

Today my mom ordered something from Ebay of American Girl with my leftover Christmas money (me Julie)
I am so excited about it because I have always wanted this outfit!!!
And the outfit is.... KIT'S SCHOOL OUTFIT!!
I am so excited!!

This is Kit's School Outfit!! I love it!!

I (Catherine) was able to order Kaya's Dance Dress of Today with extra Christmas money!  Although Kaya's Dance Dress of Today sold out online and in the catalogs, my mom called the American Girl Place's number which is (877) 247-5223, pushed 1 to connect with the American Girl Place's, then pushed another number to connect with buying of merchandise. She was connected to an associate and simply asked "Hello. I was wondering if I could possibly order Kaya's Dance dress of Today through an American Girl store if it is availble. It sold out online, but I just thought I would check to see if it is available in any of the stores". The lady said it was available at the some of the American Girl Places(not the botique and bistros), and then my mom ordered it from the American Girl Place in New York City. So if you were planning on ordering this outfit or something that recently sold out, you might want to call that number and ask them if they have the dress or just something you wanted that sold out recently. It is defenately worth a try and it would be worth it when it came!
I am so excited that the outfit was actually available! Kaya only has two outfits, and I got one for Christmas and one sold out! So I just had to spend the money and get it for Kaya!! Thanks so much!
(also sorry this post is so long, I just had to let you know about this!)

Kaya's Dance Dress of Today (Item # T6784)

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